The Board of the European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA), at its meeting on 21 September this year, decided to recommend to the ECSA General Assembly an application for membership of the organisation for the Polish Shipowners’ Association (ZAP) and the Polish Shipping Companies Association (PZPÅ»), operating jointly under the banner of the Polish Shipping Association (PSA). The ECSA General Assembly that will formally decide on PSA accession will meet on 14 December 2023. Until then, Polish shipping organisations will participate in the work of ECSA committees and working groups as an observer.
Earlier, during the European Shipping Summit, after a gala ceremony in the Royal Museum of Fine Arts, ZAP board member Marcin Talwik, together with the secretary of PZPÅ» RadosÅ‚Ä…w Stefaniak, officially presented the President and Secretary of ECSA with an application for Polish shipowners’ representation in this European association.
As a condition for the Polish Shipowners’ Association to join ECSA, it was necessary to establish a joint representation with PZPÅ». An agreement to this effect was signed on 12 September this year, the most important part of which is the commitment of both Parties that their joint position in ECSA is to reflect the interests of shipowners who are members of each organisation.