ZAP discusses returning to ECSA structures
On 16-17 May 2023 in Madeira, Portugal, Polish Shipowners’ Association Board Member Marcin Talwik participated in the Madeira Maritime Week maritime industry meeting.
During the event, the ZAP representative had the opportunity to hold direct talks with the Secretary General of the European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA) Mr Sotiris Raptis and to inform him of ZAP’s desire to rejoin the ranks of members of this esteemed organisation. It should be recalled that Polish shipowners had been permanent members of ECSA and had participated in the work of the association, but at the beginning of the 21st century, the then ZAP Board, for incomprehensible reasons, decided to discontinue this cooperation.
Sotiris Raptis warmly welcomed the news of Polish shipowners’ desire to rejoin ECSA, but reminded the board that such membership should represent all shipowners’ organisations in a given country, so in the Polish case, such an application should be submitted by ZAP together with the Polish Shipping Companies Association (PZPÅ»).
Once agreement is obtained from PZPÅ» regarding joint representation with ZAP, an application for re-membership of ECSA will be submitted in the near future.